Internet Culture

Pregnant dog gets adorable maternity photo shoot

That’s one proud mama.

Photo of David Britton

David Britton

Article Lead Image

We get it, you’re excited for your new baby. It’s totally understandable that you want to take some photos. In return, you just have to understand how much fun it is for the rest of us to mock those photos

Some more self-aware couples will even do it themselves.

It’s honestly hard to tell if these photos of a very pregnant dog are poking fun at the idea of maternity photos, or if they’re just the result of the canine’s owner being overly proud of her pet. Either way, Brazilian photographer Ana Paula Grillo has given us all a strange and adorable gift with these photos of Lilica, who seems pretty proud herself.

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Of course she’s also not afraid to show her playful sassy side.

Or possibly her back itches.

Regardless, these photos are goddamn adorable, and years from now Lilica will be able to go back and shows these to her five pups, who were born the day after the photos were taken. You know, assuming they weren’t all given away on Craigslist.

Make sure to check out the entire gallery below:

she had her Maternity Photo Shoot.

H/T BuzzFeed | Photo via NoMamesCabron1/Imgur

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