
Brave bro returns ping-pong serve with his penis

We found the best video of 2016, and it’s only January.

Photo of Eve Peyser

Eve Peyser

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There are some things you don’t know you need in life until you happen upon them. For some, it might be an unexpected relationship, the perfect pair of shoes, a standing desk. But for me, it’s this video of a man hitting a ping-pong ball with his wiener. You read this correctly, there is a video of a man hitting a ping-pong ball with his penis—his ding-dong, cock, cornholer, trouser snake, his disco stick if you will.

The man—blond, pale-skinned, and completely hairless—is able to control his long, flaccid dong with the utmost precision and skill. Surely he is a practiced ping-dong player. (See what I did there? Also I am sorry.)

Watch. Share with your friends, family, and co-worker; share with strangers; share because it’s the right thing to do—it’s the empathetic thing to do. Share because I told you so.


A quick note for the brave man in the video: Slide into my DMs whenever. I’m a solid 7 and a moderately successful Internet writer. I’ll be waiting, even if it’s forever. (Also if we do bang, please grow out your pubes. Thank you in advance.)

H/T Deadspin | Photo via Juan Jiménez Martínez/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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