party rock anthem


The ‘Party Rock Anthem’ beats per minute meme goes with basically everything

2011 is back with a vengeance.


Joseph Knoop

Internet Culture

Let’s put something into context: When LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem” debuted in early 2011, I was just young enough to have it rotated at my last high school prom. I thought I had escaped those dulcet tones of “everyday I’m shufflin.’” I was wrong. The cherry on top is that the song went platinum in June of 2018.

Ever the one to retool famous songs into anime themes or other pop hits, the internet sunk its claws into “Party Rock Anthem” and discovered that its basic BPM (that’s beats-per-minute) applies to quite a few other songs. Strap in.

The meme started with Twitter user @Josejusejo, who discovered that “Party Rock Anthem” goes perfectly with the opening to the infamous anime Neon Genesis Evangelion.

And my personal favorite:

H/T Mashable

The Daily Dot