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Man captures bee, forces it to watch ‘Bee Movie’

It didn’t seem to like it.


Miles Klee

Internet Culture

There are basically three ways an encounter with a bee can go: You can shoo it away, you can kill it, or you can get stung. (Maybe, if you’re pure of heart, you can feed it and get a tiny high-five in return.) 

But Twitter user @whiteandfaded doesn’t subscribe to typical bee protocol. Granted, he showed familiar apprehension when one invaded his home. 

In short order, however, he had captured the intrusive insect.

But this left him with yet another decision to make.

Though not the decision you’d assume.

This being the internet—a place where the animated Jerry Seinfeld vehicle Bee Movie (2007) has become something of an ironically revered cult classic mined for a plethora of bee-related memes—there could only ever have been one outcome here.

And that, friends, is how this bee wound up spending what could well be its dying moments watching Bee Movie.

(Sorry, this embed was not found.)

Ideally he’ll make it all the way through and offer us a stinging critique.

Update 5:23pm CT, June 13: The bee survived and presumably returned to the hive to spoil Bee Movie for all the other bees.

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