Internet Culture

Yeah, you’re gonna wanna see this photo of Justin Trudeau’s butt

You’re welcome.

Monica Riese

Screengrab via joereid/Twitter Remix by Monica Riese

Y’all, it is Friday afternoon, and we have had a long-ass week. Maybe you’re exhausted by the news and you don’t have the energy to be outraged or excited about anything else, or maybe you’re saving all your strength for summoning spells this weekend. Maybe you’ve spent the past two days glued to a livestream of a pregnant giraffe; I don’t judge.

You’re confused. You’re tired. But if there’s one thing most mammals can muster up the energy to care about, it’s butts.

BuzzFeed knows this—as it has for many years—and it graced the world with a spot-on overanalysis of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s backside during a recent event.

It’s very on brand for Trudeau, who has been praised in recent weeks for everything from his side-eye game to his kindness to his connection with constituents and who is a near-constant headline with his general attractiveness. Of course, he should also have a perfect booty and exceptionally well-tailored pants. Of course.

To those who would discourage the objectification of a world leader, I say: 1) Fair point. Judging people solely by their appearances is petty and unkind, and reducing someone to their physical traits is unfair to their other, less physical, positive contributions to society. So it’s worth acknowledging that Trudeau has many of those, from his stance on gender equality to his standing up for the truth and his views on inclusion.

But 2) it’s even not the first time an executive derriere has become headline news this year. A particularly unflattering shot of Donald Trump’s backside swept the internet last month, swiftly becoming a meme. And of course, others have surfaced since then.

Besides, at least one female world leader is still being judged for her appearance almost two decades after her death, so:

Fuck it; bring on the butts.

H/T BuzzFeed

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