Internet Culture

Justin Trudeau builds sweet blanket fort with 5-year-old ‘Prime Minister for a Day’ winner

He had his maple leaf blanket ready.

Photo of Jay Hathaway

Jay Hathaway

justin trudeau builds blanket fort with kid

If you’re one of the many, many people with a crush on Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, prepare to have your heart melted even further. Last week, Trudeau met 5-year-old Bella, the winner of a “PM for a Day” contest, and they turned his office couch into a blanket fort. Sure, it’s kind of a PR play for the PM, but it’s a really cute one.

Of course, your Canadian MCM keeps a maple leaf blanket in his office for any emergency forts he might need to build. Why would we expect anything less?

Prime Minister Bella, who hails from Manitoba, was chosen by CBC Kids after running on a platform of expanded social programs and also hugs.

“As prime minster, I would make sure everyone has homes and everyone is safe,” she wrote in her contest entry. “I would hug everyone. I would make sure animals and the world around us are kept safe. I would make sure every Canadian is healthy. I would show kindness to everyone.”

The CBC plans to air a special about her day as Canada’s littlest prime minister on July 1.

H/T Huffington Post

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