Internet Culture

Florida sheriff’s office posts trespass warning for the Weather Channel’s Jim Cantore

Don’t come around these parts.

Josh Katzowitz

If the most famous weather reporter in the country is coming to your geographical location, there’s a good chance that your life is about to be upended. So, in order to stave off another disastrous storm heading its way, the Santa Rosa County, Florida police department is trying to be proactive—by issuing a trespass warning to the Weather Channel’s Jim Cantore, calling on him to stay far, far away.

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With Hurricane Michael approaching the Gulf of Mexico and with Santa Rosa County on the state’s panhandle potentially in the pathway, the sheriff’s department has been using its Facebook page to keep its citizens informed of the incoming weather and about where to take shelter, how to find your evacuation zone, and why you should stay out of the water.

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But it’s also keeping its sense of humor. In other words, Jim Cantore: Don’t come knocking on our door.

The photo was accompanied by the caption, “Everyone know whats (sic) in store when Jim Cantore shows up. So we issued a little notice. Lol.” In the special conditions section of the trespass warning, the office wrote, “Non-business related visits only” and that he was welcome to show up in the winter months.

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It’s unclear if Cantore has seen the joke. He’s too busy tweeting terrifying images like this.

Cantore is probably used to this kind of attention anyway. In this 15-year-old USA Today profile, Cantore talked about how his fans lap up his passion for the weather. But even back then, people knew to be wary of a Cantore sighting.

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From the story:

It is practically gospel among weather buffs that wherever Cantore goes, bad weather is probably close behind. Weather Channel viewership sometimes quadruples for a big weather deal like Claudette, and that has made Cantore arguably the best-known meteorologist in America.


During Hurricane Floyd in 1999, someone posted a sign outside a Florida restaurant: “If Jim Cantore is here, Floyd must be near.” Cantore admitted that on an airplane once, “A lady saw me and said: ‘Oh, no! You can’t be going to my town!’ She was really upset.”

If bad weather is coming your way, though, you can’t stop Cantore from showing up unannounced and uninvited. But if there’s a saving grace it’s this: At least we know the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office won’t be going after Cantore for fakery. Unlike, ahem, this weatherman.

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