The cast of Jersey Shore got back together to celebrate Samantha “Sweetheart” Giancola’s birthday recently. Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, Jennifer “JWoww” Farley, Deena Cortese, and Vinny Guadagnino were all in attendance. Even though there were no fights and nobody got “smushed” (that we know of), they all still seemed to have a pretty good time.
#JerseyShore cast reunites for Sammi Sweetheart's 30th birthday:
— Us Weekly (@usweekly) March 13, 2017
The rest of the guys were GTLing
— Vinny Guadagnino (@VINNYGUADAGNINO) March 13, 2017
It’s been almost eight years since the show’s premiere, so if you don’t recognize the stars of MTV’s hit reality show, it’s understandable. Snooki and JWoww even have their own parenting advice show on YouTube, because who else would you turn to if you need to stop someone from throwing a tantrum?
It’s actually kind of nice to see this:
Somehow turn into this:
The stars aren’t even opposed to a reunion. When People asked Snooki about the possibility, she said “I’m hoping… I mean because they always talk about it, so I’m hoping because that would be awesome!”
It’s nice to know some things never change.