Internet Culture

Here’s what realistic resolutions for 2015 would sound like

Just admit that you’re going to gain all the weight back almost immediately.

Photo of Rae Votta

Rae Votta

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For your 2015 resolution, perhaps try to be most honest in the new year. And by that we mean being totally honest about your New Year’s resolutions.

In this new BuzzFeed video, people make typical resolutions, only to immediately justify them with honest assessments of how they’ll break those new restrictions in 2015. From giving up beer (except during happy hour) to saving money (unless your friends are going to Vegas), the video hits the nail on the head about how fleeting and circumstantial the typical resolution can be.

So in 2015 stick to your guns by making those guns as honest as possible. That way you aren’t really breaking your resolutions after all.

Or, hey, just stop making them altogether.

Screengrab via BuzzFeed Yellow / YouTube

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