Internet Culture

People are discussing the funniest TikTok videos they’ve ever seen

‘Yes you b*tch!’

Photo of Olivia Hebert

Olivia Hebert

person speaking with paper towel beard with caption 'Hey Angel!! Did you give the dinosaurs more muscle like I asked?' (l) person speaking with caption 'METEOR' (c) person speaking with paper towel beard with caption 'I told you to make them meatier?' (r)

On Twitter, user @mystree_ asked people on June 1 what was the funniest TikTok they’ve ever seen, and the replies do not disappoint.

Here we’ve picked some of the best and most popular TikToks in the replies. They range from laugh-out-loud funny to absurd.

Dinosaur meteor TikTok

This TikTok by creator Eliza Petersen (@lizemopetey) tackles the mystery behind the deaths of the dinosaurs. Peterson poses as God and an angel. God asks the angel if they made the dinosaurs meatier and more muscular as he asked. But the angel misunderstood God’s request, and instead of making them meatier, the angel made the dinosaurs a meteor.

‘Yes you b*tch!’ TikTok

TikToker @Onlyherhair posted this funny TikTok of her talking smack about a grey squirrel who seemed
to not only understand what she was saying but also react to her. When the squirrel points to
itself, @Onlyherhair exclaims, “Yes you b*tch!”

Get out of any phone call TikTok

In this darkly comedic one, creator Dan Hentschel (@danhentschel) tells TikTok that people can get out of a phone call with one trick, the trick being a massive car accident. The sound effects are what really land the joke so make sure to listen to it with the volume up!

Using a zodiac sign as a personality trait TikTok

Be careful eating or drinking anything while watching this one, because it will have you bursting
out laughing, as one Twitter user notes. In this one, @mamaa.arii roasts people who make astrology their whole personality. She replaces food names for zodiac signs and uses scenarios that we’ve all heard

Check the original tweet for more videos. The list of great comedic TikToks is very long!

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