Family holding signs for Christmas card, Excited, Engaged, Expecting, Emily

Photo via cantseawright/Twitter

Emily takes a stand for single people in the best Christmas this year

Are you the Emily of your family?


Tiffany Kelly

Internet Culture

Tis the season… for posing for awkward family holiday cards. If everyone in your family is engaged/married/pregnant besides you, it makes the tradition even more awkward. But single people are thinking of clever ways to stand out in a family photo full of couples.

A woman named Emily Seawright posted her family’s Christmas card to Twitter. The other family members are holding up signs that start with the letter ‘e’: excited, engaged, expecting. Emily is holding up a sign that simply reads ‘Emily.’

The photo is brilliant, but it’s certainly not the first of its kind.

A year ago, a family photo went viral that showed people holding up signs that read “expecting, excited, engaged, egg salad.” The one single person in a family full of adult siblings who are coupled up became known as the “egg salad” of the family.

One of the siblings in the original “egg salad” photo commented on Emily’s photo. He didn’t seem mad that her family copied the idea.

But Emily’s family wasn’t the only one to reference the egg salad family photo. The single woman in this family went with an “Egg McMuffin” variation.

And others shared their own odd person out family photos, sans signs.

Emily’s Christmas card resonated with a lot of people.

If you’re the Emily of your family, embrace it while you can.

The Daily Dot