
Black widow spiders stand no chance against cop in full riot gear

A spider is innocent until proven guilty.

Photo of Gabe Bergado

Gabe Bergado

Article Lead Image

Police officers took care of an unlikely suspect on Wednesday night, described as female, wearing black and red, with eight legs. The suspect was, indeed, a deadly black widow spider.

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Apparently the “scariest call of the night” for the police department in Golden, Colorado, were a bunch of arachnids soliciting insects the corner of one of their station’s hallways. Officer Carreno was the brave soul who took on the threat—though not before donning the appropriate defensive attire: riot gear. 

The police department posted a photo of Carreno taking down the venomous villains. 

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The cops may have fought these ladies more successfully than the dude who tried to kill a spider by setting a gas station on fire, but they wouldn’t have had a chance against this Black Widow. 

H/T 9News | Photo by averain/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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