After insulting Michigan’s Redford Township Police Department on their Facebook page, a man wanted for outstanding warrants said he would turn himself in (and bring donuts) if the next thing they posted got over 1,000 shares. A challenge the police were happy to accept.
The man, who goes by “Champagne Torino” on Facebook, but whose real name appears to be Michael, has apparently been trolling the police department for some time.

After they threatened to block him, Mr. Torino messaged the RTPD, saying not only would he turn himself in, but he would bring donuts and help clean up public schools if their next post was shared 1,000 times.
The post in question, made by the RTPD on October 6th, has now been shared nearly 4,000 times, much to “Mr. Champagne Torino’s” surprise.

So far he has yet to turn himself in.

Maybe he’s still picking out donuts? Either way, it’s an amazing incident of life imitating meme.
H/T Mashable