
AsapSCIENCE tells us what a post-apocalyptic Earth would look like

Say all the humans disappeared from Earth. Then what?

Photo of Aja Romano

Aja Romano

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When last we left the science duo better known to YouTube as AsapSCIENCE, it was singing atomic love songs and warning us about the dangers of sitting.

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Now it’s tackling a post-apocalyptic planet Earth in order to make us all aware of the mess humans will leave behind if, for any reason, we all suddenly disappear.

Fortunately for us, the cute friendly little animated drawings featured in the video make the prospect of a grim post-human planet seem a lot less threatening. Science gurus Tyler Irving, Mitchell Moffit, and Greg Brown casually walk us through the ins and outs of power failures, millions of livestock starving or being eaten by desperate pets with no one to feed them, and the gradual decimation of all infrastructure as we know it due to floods, fires, and natural decay. 

But hey—at least all that non-biodegradable plastic we’ve created will be here forever. You maniacs.


Screengrab via asapSCIENCE/YouTube

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