Internet Culture

Amazon Alexa refused to answer her owner’s questions about CIA connections

Alexa would never lie, right?

David Covucci

Earlier this week, a WikiLeaks document dump revealed the extensive ways the CIA uses smart and internet-connected products to help monitor communications.

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Afterward, both Samsung and Apple vowed to fix the flaws in their products that left them vulnerable to government infiltration.

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While the report made no mention of Amazon products, it’s safe to assume that if the CIA tried to break one type of electronics, they tried (and probably succeeded) in breaking every one of them.

Concerned, one user decided to corner and question Amazon Alexa.

I believe Asimov’s fourth law of robotics states that if you have been comprised by state intelligence units, you must shut down at any questioning.

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Not comforting at all. Not comforting at all.

Update 7:30am CT, March 10: A new video is making the rounds on Friday that purports to show Alexa now denying any connection with the CIA. Believe her at your own risk:

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