Internet Culture

Son sends father off with 50 strippers dancing on Jeeps for funeral procession

You have to see the video to believe it.

David Covucci

Ever since Abraham plotted to kill Isaac on Mount Moriah some 3,700 years ago, father-son dynamics have been a difficult path to navigate. 

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Sons always trying to please their fathers, never knowing precisely what to do, or precisely how to do it, or whether, regardless of what they’ve done, they are mere moments away from being bound and hauled off to a mountaintop and offered up as a sacrifice. 

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Plus, the average dad is pretty taciturn, so you just don’t know if what you did made them happy. 

But we can all agree that Tung Hsiang left this Earth pleased with his son, who saw his death wish through. The 76-year-old Taiwanese politician wanted to go out with a funeral procession consisting of 50 strippers pole-dancing on the top of Jeeps. 

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That’s certainly livelier than reading Psalm 23. 

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His family said the flamboyant send-off matched his personality

Odd as this may seem, the practice of hiring strippers and exotic dancers is somewhat commonplace in China and Taiwan, the reason being it attracts more people to what would otherwise be a somber event. Can’t argue with that strategy. 

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Two years ago, however, the Chinese government decided to crack down on the tradition, saying it had “severely polluted the local cultural life.”

In Taiwan, though, the stripper funerals persist, and Tung Hsiang got the send off he so desired. 

H/T Mashable

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