Internet Culture

The #SelfieOlympics are back

Get your props ready.

Photo of Tiffany Kelly

Tiffany Kelly

The #selfieolympics are back.

The #SelfieOlympics meme emerged four years ago as an amusing way to show off one’s selfie-taking abilities. Now it’s back—just in time for the end of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. It’s a little too late to make this a real winter sport, although it’s easy to imagine future generations wanting to sign up for some weird selfie-on-ice competition. For now, the sport still takes place on (where else?) the internet.

Just like the entries in 2014, the newest #SelfieOlympics memes mock bathroom selfies, especially those taken in front of a mirror. And, as BuzzFeed reported, the competitors often try to fit as many random objects as they can in one shot.

Naturally, even Ben Swolo wanted to compete.

So, who won?

H/T: BuzzFeed

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