Internet Culture

IMAX accidentally released ‘The Mummy’ trailer with the wrong audio, and it’s unintentionally hilarious

You have to hear Tom Cruise’s bizarre scream in this botched trailer.

Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Universal Pictures accidentally posted the wrong IMAX trailer for The Mummy remake, and there’s no way to put this delicately: It’s way better than the original.

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The incorrect IMAX trailer is missing half of its audio track, exposing Tom Cruise‘s raucous, gutteral screams without the comforting background noise of sound effects. The video was pulled from YouTube pretty fast, but not before several people posted copies elsewhere.

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Tom Cruise’s airplane scream moment is a real highlight.

The botched trailer already has its own Reddit thread, and Twitter users are spreading it like wildfire.

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If only the original trailer was provoking this level of interest. Although this does kind of feel like cosmic retribution for trying to make another Mummy reboot in the first place. 

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