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Seth Meyers parses through Trump’s self-sabotage on Twitter

He had a lot to say over the weekend.

Michelle Jaworski

Seth Meyers looked back on Donald Trump’s last few days and his new tactic for diplomacy, which Meyers basically boiled down to: “Pissing off the rest of the world and picking fights on Twitter.”

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Trump’s announcement that the U.S. would leave the Paris Climate Accord last week alarmed politicians, scientists, and world leaders alike, but Meyers largely focused on Trump’s attacks on London Mayor Sadiq Khan in the aftermath of a terrorist attack. Trump took Khan’s comments out of context, which led Khan’s spokesperson to release a statement saying that Khan had “more important things to do” than to respond to Trump’s tweets.

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And Meyers related, considering he spent much of his show responding to Trump’s tweets.

“It’s true,” Meyers said. “Responding to Donald Trump’s tweets can be a full-time job, and I know because it’s my full-time job. And I can’t even get to all of them.”

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Along with attacking an ally right after a tragedy, Trump also used Twitter to call his travel banwhich officials have said isn’t a ban—a travel ban, and to voice his displeasure with the “watered down Travel Ban” that he signed after federal courts blocked his first executive order. Critics have argued that Trump is sabotaging his own legal case by tweeting about it.

Despite the fact that Trump’s tweets have already been used against him in court (and will likely continue to be), Kellyanne Conway argued on Today that the media paid too much attention to his tweets, which she said are not his way of communicating with the American people. But they are, Meyers pointed out, as he showed a clip from his own interview with Conway, where she stated that his tweets were his way to communicate directly with the American people.

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“Also,” Meyers pointed out, “the reason the press covers very little of what Trump does as president is because as president, he does very little.”

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