women's march 2018

Photo by Austin Powell

32 of the best protest signs from the Women’s March

Hell hath no fury like a woman with cardboard.


Samantha Grasso


The Women’s March on Washington Saturday brought an estimated 500,000 people to D.C. to protest President Donald Trump

In the hours preceding the demonstration and march, flurries of pink pussy-hats and vibrant signs clogged the city’s subway system and flooded the National Mall. Painted and printed posters denounced the newly-inaugurated president and echoed the messages of female empowerment and equality that punctuated the 2016 presidential election.

From the artistic…

Jessica Machado

To the comical…

Jessica Machado

Jaya Saxena

To the downright honest…

Jaya Saxena

Jessica Machado

Women’s March attendees expressed their sentiments toward the president in a variety of ways.

Jaya Saxena



Honestly, I believe it.

We couldn’t have crafted it better ourselves.

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