The Tweekender: Capturing a nude protest in London

A man brought a part of central London to a standstill today as he sat atop a statue of Prince George, Duke of Cambridge in the nude.

Kris Holt

With hundreds of millions of tweets per day, it’s impossible to follow everything happening on Twitter. Every Friday, the Daily Dot rounds up notable Twitter news and stories from the past week—in 140 characters or less.

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  • Brad Bird disappointed many when he ruled himself out of directing Star Wars: Episode VII.

  • Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S., deleted a tweet about Hamas peace talks before the ceasefire was struck.

  • News Corp overlord Rupert Murdoch weighed in on the Gaza crisis, rousing criticism with a comment on the “Jewish-owned press.”

  • Police investigated death threats to soccer star James McClean after he refused to wear a poppy on Remembrance Day.

  • Sally Bercow, the House of Commons Speaker’s wife, shut down her account after a pair of “legal gaffes.”

  • If you’re in the U.K., here’s a timely primer on libel laws as they pertain to Twitter.

  • Sex scandals on both sides of the Atlantic underlined the differences between the U.S. and U.K. when it comes to free speech.

  • British Airways investigated why it retweeted a racist remark and a bunch of swears.

  • Oprah Winfrey tweeted about the awesomeness of Microsoft’s Surface tablet—using her iPad.
  • A new service lets you answer random questions from other tweeters. Think fast! You only have 30 seconds for each.

  • Just how did a selfie of a topless dude wind up on The Co-operative Food’s stream?

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The week’s best new accounts: As Rihanna dragged along a bunch of journalists on a seven-day, seven-country, seven-show mini tour, Rihanna Plane gave a parodist’s perspective on the jaunt. Meanwhile, Irish EU Presidency started tweeting as Ireland prepares to preside over the Council of the European Union.

Photo of the week: A man brought a part of central London to a standstill today as he sat atop a statue of Prince George, Duke of Cambridge in the nude. After around three hours, he was coaxed down an  detained under the Mental Health Act. (@HCMRegt)

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