
This sexy Eleven costume will have people thinking they’re in the Upside Down

Christmas lights not included.

Photo of Marisa Losciale

Marisa Losciale

Stranger Things makes its season two premiere just days before Halloween. That makes dressing up as the cast a perfectly relevant costume. But just because the characters are played by kids, doesn’t mean you have to dress like one.

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Take this adult costume version of Eleven, for example. It’ll have you looking as hot as an Eggo fresh out of the toaster. This sexy Stranger Things costume includes a pink babydoll dress, a navy bomber jacket, thigh high socks and a waffle purse. And if we’re being honest, we’d buy the costume just for the purse.

Unfortunately, if you’re not a natural blonde or don’t have a buzz cut, you’d have to buy a wig. But even that is optional because this costume comes with all of Eleven’s other icons.


The sexy Eleven costume is available through Yandy for $59.99. So grab it before we all get dragged back to the Upside Down.

Buy it here



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