Watch an Australian news anchor take a powerful stand for domestic violence survivors

Waleed Aly wants the country’s new budget to lend domestic violence survivors a hand (and money.)

Photo of Marisa Kabas

Marisa Kabas

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Waleed Aly is an anchor on the Australian news program The Project. After the Australian government announced a new federal budget, Aly had a message for the country’s policymakers about where some of the money should be going. 

“I want to put my hand up on behalf of a group of Australians who might now be able to, or are too afraid to, or when they do ask for help, they’re too often turned away,” he said on the show. “I’m talking about Australian women, who are regularly beaten, abused and killed by Australian men. Usually their partners.”

Aly also directed viewers who might be affected by domestic violence to a hotline for domestic abuse survivors, 1-800-RESPECT. People answering the phones at the hotline provide counseling for victims. According to Aly, 18,631 calls went unanswered in 2014, and many people reaching out did not call back. He then asked the government to “show me the money,” and provide more funding for such crucial resources, as well as for mental health counseling for potential abusers. 

Aly has a history of throwing his weight behind such charitable causes. He used to work in human rights law, and in 2005 he was named a White Ribbon ambassador. The honor is given to “men who recognise the importance of men taking responsibility and playing a leadership role in preventing men’s violence against women,” according to the White Ribbon website.

In his segment, Aly also addressed the men who might be violent to their spouses: “It might surprise you to hear that I’m also putting my hand up for men. For the Aussie blokes out there who settle family argument with their fists, often in front of their kids.” He also pointed out that 24 Australian women have been killed because of domestic violence since the start of the year. 

H/T Reddit | Screengrab via Tommyonholidays/YouTube

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