This little girl signed her Christmas concert so her deaf parents could experience it too

One child’s efforts to make sure her parents could enjoy her Christmas concert stole the show and our hearts.

Photo of Michelle Jaworski

Michelle Jaworski

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One child’s efforts to make sure her parents could enjoy her Christmas concert stole the show and our hearts. Five-year-old Claire Koch is a KODA (kid of deaf adults), so when it came to performing her kindergarten concert with her classmates, she wanted her parents to understand it as well.

While the other children sang and made general hand motions to holiday songs like “Jingle Bells,” “Santa Is His Name-O,” and “I Have a Little Dreidel,” she started to sign what she sang, to her parents’ surprise.

Claire is animated throughout her performance, so even if you’re unable to understand ASL, your eyes stay on her the entire time.

Her parents couldn’t be prouder.

“ASL is the first language in our home, so our daughter has been exposed to it since birth,” Claire’s mother, Lori Koch, told Yahoo.

H/T Gawker | Photo via Lori Koch/YouTube

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