Dot Recs

This player-driven game flips gravity and lets you soar through inverted planets

You won’t know which way is up.

Photo of The Daily Dot Bazaar

The Daily Dot Bazaar


Imagine flying across the ocean and all of a sudden, you can’t really tell which way is “up.” That’s how InnerSpace makes you feel, but in a totally non-terrifying way.

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In InnerSpace, you, the cartographer, must explore what remains of the Inverse, the ancient, abandoned world of inverted planets where gravity works backwards. Everything is simultaneously ground and sky, up and down. And while the civilizations may be gone, their messages and their gods remain. It’s your job to chart that unknown territory.

The arcade flight simulation puts you in a flyer that doubles as a submarine. Even though the opposite-gravity aspect can be a little disorienting, the scenery and sound make the game surprisingly chill. And the graphics are honestly to die for.


Get the InnerSpace Game for $16.99 from the Daily Dot store. That’s reduced from the usual price of $19.99.

Buy it here



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