Twitter is stumped by the new 'Woozy Face' emoji.


Twitter has no idea what the ‘woozy face’ emoji means

The guesses are hilarious.


Alexis Tatum


Apple this week released 158 new emoji as part of its latest iOS 12.1 update. Some of the most notable additions include people with red hair, a bald person, a series of new animals, and a softball. But people are confused about the intended use of one rather woozy-looking emoji, as BuzzFeed News pointed out.

The emoji is characterized by a raised brow, lopsided eyes, and dizzy grin. Emojipedia officially calls it “Woozy Face,” aka “Face With Uneven Eyes and Wavy Mouth,” aka “Drunk Face.”

Though people don’t quite know what to make of the expression, Twitter users are coming up with some interesting suggestions. For example, lots of people believe it’s the face of an orgasm.

Others think the emoji represents a drunk person.

It could be the moronically love-struck face you make around a crush.

Or maybe it’s how guys look when they’re trying to be sexy but just … aren’t.

Lest you think it’s made-up, here are some real-life examples of the face.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson even suggested the emoji resembles his famous quirked eyebrow.

The good news is, with so many possible interpretations, this emoji is sure to get a lot of use—even in very specific situations.


H/T BuzzFeed News

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