Kellyanne Conway on Sunday said in no uncertain terms that President Donald Trump would not be releasing his tax returns.
Although Trump, at the beginning of his campaign, had promised to release his financial records, Conway, a senior adviser, told ABC’s This Week on Sunday that “most Americans are very focused on what their tax returns will look like while President Trump is in office, not what his look like.”
That explanation is apparently not good enough for WikiLeaks. Although WikiLeaks undoubtedly damaged Hillary Clinton’s presidential prospects by constantly releasing damaging Democratic Party emails, it apparently now wants to know what’s inside Trump’s tax returns.
Trump Counselor Kellyanne Conway stated today that Trump will not release his tax returns. Send them to: so we can.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) January 22, 2017
Trump's breach of promise over the release of his tax returns is even more gratuitous than Clinton concealing her Goldman Sachs transcripts.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) January 22, 2017
Earlier this month, Trump tweeted his support for WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, though he later contradicted the claims that he was showing support. And remember, Trump also encouraged Russia to hack Clinton during the campaign.
But if somebody leaks his taxes to WikiLeaks and then WikiLeaks publishes them, it’s a good bet that Trump will have a slightly different reaction.