Man with head in arms in front of laptop

fizkes/Shutterstock Patrick Breitenbach/Flickr (Licensed) Remix by Jason Reed

‘We’re All Gonna Die,’ ep. 27: Everything that made us want to die in 2017

2017 really made us want to die.


David Covucci


What a freakin’ year, right?

It began with the inauguration of President Donald Trump. A week later, the Muslim ban broke, and the terribleness cascaded from there, an avalanche of awful.

From Fyre Festival to the Las Vegas shooting, dang near everything that happened this year was terrible. It’s almost impossible to think of something good.

But hey, 2018’s less than a month away. It can’t be worse… can it?

Here’s this week’s podcast.

Listen to our previous episodes and subscribe to We’re All Gonna Die on iTunes.

The Daily Dot