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This is the ultimate cable company installation horror story

Forgetting something?


April Siese


The prospect of getting fiber optic internet is exciting for any homeowner or renter. But just because you’re one step away from faster internet doesn’t mean the installation is going to go expediently, or even remotely sensibly, though.

U.K. homeowner David Henshall experienced the pitfalls of bringing fiber optic internet to his home earlier this week. Being that the line was underground, Virgin Media contractors were forced to dig up large sections around Henshall’s house. The workers left at around 2pm with no hope of returning until the next morning, effectively barricading Henshall’s wife and daughter until at least 8am the next day.

Henshall took to the internet to complain about arguably the worst cable company installation of all time, his story going viral and forcing the hand of Virgin Media. Rather than having to erect a drawbridge for the moat they didn’t want, the Henshalls needed only wait until 6pm, when workers finished the job after massive public pressure.

Virgin Media issued a statement apologizing to Henshall and acknowledging that work had finally been completed.

If internet shaming is the way to get business done, then Comcast, Time Warner, and others are in for a whole lot of trolling. Oh. Wait.

H/T Ars Technica

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