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President Trump signs executive order on Obamacare

It could be a huge first step toward repealing the Affordable Care Act.


Nia Wesley


Just hours after becoming the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump is getting to work signing an executive order directing government agencies to “ease the burden” of the Affordable Care Act until it’s repealed and replaced.

The details in the order haven’t yet been elaborated on, but the White House says the order will help the administration move toward replacing Obamacare with a plan Trump has labeled “much less expensive” earlier this week on Fox News.

His new plan seems to be in its baby stages. Politico reports that House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are planning to release a repeal bill before spring, and will comb through a legitimate replacement later on down the line. 

Chief of Staff Reince Priebus also issued an executive memorandum that orders a freeze on regulations for all government agencies. 

Today the new president also signed documents for Gen. James Mattis and retired Gen. John Kelley to be sworn into his cabinet as defense secretary and homeland security secretary, respectively. He also swapped the crimson drapes in the Oval Office for gold and put up a picture of Winston Churchill in place of Obama’s Martin Luther King Jr. portrait.

H/T Politico

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