White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller

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Stephen Miller’s racist emails leak

Trump aide pushed racist ideology, website amid 900 emails to right-wing blog Breitbart.


David Covucci


President Donald Trump’s longtime adviser Stephen Miller has always been considered the administration’s biggest nationalist hardliner, pushing for crackdowns on immigrants and refugees. Now, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch published a cache of Miller’s emails, revealing the depths of the racist ideology surrounding his worldview

Hatewatch reviewed over 900 emails Miller sent to Breitbart from 2015 up until the summer of 2016 and found it included links to InfoWars, a plug for a white nationalist book, a focus on the crime committed by non-whites, a lament about Confederate symbols being removed from the South, and shared links from a white nationalist site.

The emails from Miller consisted mostly of when he was working with then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as an aide. Sessions was one of Trump’s earliest supporters, and Miller joined the Trump campaign in January 2016.

Miller’s exchanges were with Katie McHugh, a former editor at Breitbart, who was fired for anti-Muslim tweets. She has since spoken out against the far-right.

According to Hatewatch, Miller shared links with McHugh from VDare, a white nationalist site, arguing that refugees should not get temporary protected status in the wake of a hurricane in South America.

He also flagged the novel Camp of the Saints in emails, a book that has become popular in white nationalist circles for its portrayal of non-white refugees committing violent crimes against Europeans. After Miller wrote to Breitbart about how they should use the article as a caution against a call for open borders, Breitbart published a piece.

In the wake of Dylann Roof’s massacre at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, where he killed nine African-Americans, Miller bemoaned how symbols of the Confederacy were being taken down, upset that Amazon was pulling Confederate merchandise.

“[W]hat do the [Confederate monument] vandals say to the people fighting and dying overseas in uniform right now who are carrying on a seventh or eighth generation of military service in their families, stretching back to our founding?” Miller wrote to McHugh.

You can read all of Hatewatch’s story here.


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