
QAnon thinks this man is JFK Jr. Is he running for Congress?

‘Vincent Fusca is a proud lifelong Pittsburgh resident, a DOER that has made many sacrifices to support Donald Trump’s America First Agenda.’

Photo of Ignacio Martinez

Ignacio Martinez

fusca for congress vincent fusca jfk jr

A website with the URL appears to foreshadow that Vincent Fusca—a man who many in the far-right QAnon conspiracy community believe to be John F. Kennedy Jr.—is planning a run for Congress.

The website specifies that Fusca is seeking election to Pennsylvania’s House District 18. 

Fusca is described as “a proud lifelong Pittsburgh resident, a DOER that has made many sacrifices to support Donald Trump’s America First Agenda.”

QAnon is the online conspiracy group that posits President Donald Trump is secretly working to round up a cabal of pedophiles in government and Hollywood.

But the site has no mention of his ties to QAnon (or his participation in the World Series of Poker 2019). The website also neglects to mention that Fusca has leaned into the belief that President John F. Kennedy’s son faked his own death in 1999 in order to become a celebrity within the conspiracy group.

Many in the QAnon community believe Fusca to be JFK Jr. Fusca appears at Trump rallies and has leaned into the conspiracy, even though he has never outright claimed to be Kennedy’s still-alive son.

The conspiracy also posits that “JFK Jr.” is working with Trump in secret.

A domain search of the website reveals that it was originally registered on Feb. 8, 2020 with a registry expiration of exactly one year later. 

Copyright statements at the bottom of the page claim that the website is paid for by Fusca.

Further exploration will lead you to some puzzling dead ends. The “donate” and “volunteer” links lead to nowhere and simply push you back to the main page.

Given that Pennsylvania’s primary election is currently scheduled for June 2 and the deadline to file candidacy within a major party has long passed, it would be assumed that a Fusca congressional run would be done as an independent.

Could this website be a prelude to an announcement by the enigmatic QAnon character? Or is it the vestiges of a half-baked grift that was abandoned partway through?

It is currently unclear, but given the website’s declaration that the “campaign” is indeed paid for by Vincent Fusca, if it isn’t by him, it could be grounds for a legitimate accusation of fraud.

Neither Fusca nor the website’s contact details, if they are different parties, immediately responded to the Daily Dot’s request for comment.


The Daily Dot