Here at the Daily Dot, we swap GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you in. In the Morning GIF, we feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet.
Republican Senate candidate and international laughingstock Todd Akin has been mocked via radio, television, call-in lines, and almost certainly avant garde performance art, but not yet sufficiently in GIF form.
Mr. “Wrong Words” made it too easy. As Gawker reported in an article headlined “Dear Todd Akin, Your/Your’re a Moron,” his new fundraising website identifies him as “pro-life candidate Todd Akin,” and then invites people to…
Tell McCaskill That You’re Standing With Todd Akin!
So far, so fair. But what the website doesn’t say is that this is its third version in a couple of hours. The first version had the classic your/you’re mistake:
Tell McCaskill That Your Standing With Todd Akin!
A large background photo of a fetus was removed from the website after that. As Gawker said, “oh, what’s the right word for when fetuses are removed?”
The second version, posted after raging snotloads of abuse (that is the technical term) were thrown Akin’s way on Twitter, read:
Tell McCaskill That Your’re Standing With Todd Akin!
After that, someone presumably fired the intern and shelled out for a real copy editor.
All versions of the website, immortalized in this GIF (7,876 views), contain Akin’s apology for his “legitimate rape” comment:
I made a mistake. I used the wrong words in the wrong way. What I said was ill-conceived and it was wrong and for that I apologize.
Ill-conceived indeed.