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Screengrab via Yo Home Sperm Test/Youtube

Men can now test their sperm count using a smartphone app

Complete with some awful tutorial videos.


A unique healthcare device is proving you can do just about everything from your smartphone nowadays, even record your sperm count details.

Men can now use their phones to determine the amount of moving sperm in their semen, and can watch their “swimmers” while they are being tested. The best part: You can do it without “any sperm touching your phone.” 

Medical Electronic System, an automated semen analysis company, recently announced the launch of its Yo Home Sperm Test, unsurprisingly the first sperm tester to be powered by a smartphone application. The device makes it easy for men to check their moving sperm count from the comfort of their own homes. 

Home fertility tests can help determine if a man’s semen concentration lies within normal levels, or anything above 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen, according to a 2010 report from the World Health Organization. Having a low count decreases the odds that sperm will fertilize an egg, which can be a concern for couples trying to start a family. 

Unlike most home sperm count tests, Yo measures motile sperm concentration, or the number of moving sperm, a critical factor in determining fertility.

Yo Home Sperm Test/Youtube

Using the device sounds simple enough. 

Place your sperm in a small plastic cup and add a veil of liquefying powder (this will turn your semen pink) and shake. Once it’s all nice and mixed, use a pipette to place a drop on a microscope slide. Then place the Yo Clip, a mini microscope, on top of your smartphone, and insert the slide into the top of the Clip. 

After two to three minutes of processing, you’ll be able to view your sperm swimming around in all directions. The application, which comes complete with sperm education, animations, and even trivia, will send you a report of its finding when it completes its count.

You’ll then want to follow the crucial last step and wash your smartphone with the cleaning wipes provided. 

Afraid of getting caught? Yo has already provided an awful video of what that might look like:

The app-enabled Yo Home Sperm Test will be available Jan. 31 for $50, and will include two fertility kits complete with the disposable supplies needed for testing.

H/T Designboom

The Daily Dot