
Reverse online petition aims to keep Piers Morgan in the U.S.

“No one in the U.K. wants him back,” writes a petition aimed at trolling “angry Americans.”

Photo of Jordan Valinsky

Jordan Valinsky

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Not everyone hates Piers Morgan after all. Either that or they hate Americans more.

After pro-gun advocates created an online petition to have the CNN host deported to Britain for his anti-gun comments, there’s another petition to keep him in America.

It’s called “Keep Piers Morgan in the USA” and has so far tallied 74 signatures since its creation Tuesday. It needs 25,000 signatures to get a response from the White House.

The petition points out three reasons—one serious reason, two not-so-serious reasons—as to why Morgan should stay here. The first: Morgan’s calling a gun advocate “unbelievably stupid” is protected under the First Amendment. Morgan’s comments riled up gun owners for the comments during his show about gun control following the shootings in Newtown, Conn.

“Second and the more important point. No one in the UK wants him back,” the petition reasonably states. Morgan was a former editor of the tabloid Daily Mirror, currently embroiled in a phone-hacking scandal he denies any association with.

“It will be hilarious to see how loads of angry Americans react,” states the petitioner’s third reason. The first person to sign it is named “Janusz J.”

Morgan hasn’t publicly tweeted about the new petition yet, but he has joked about the original petition, which has more than 70,000 signatures.

“Merry Christmas! Even to those who want me deported,” tweeted Morgan. 

The Daily Dot