
The way Trump Jr. holds his own book inspires mockery

Anyone know if it’s common practice for authors to read their own books? Asking for a friend.

Brooke Sjoberg

Is there a “right” way to read a book? According to more than a few Twitter users, there is—and Donald Trump Jr. doesn’t know how to do it.

He is, however, a published author. But in promoting his book Triggered, Trump Jr.’s dainty grasp on the book left people perplexed.

In one tweet, which helped spur the roast, @Rschooley wrote, “He’s gotten through the dedication and half the first chapter!”

While the way Trump holds Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us is the main draw here, different parts of his office have also become comedic fodder.

For example, this “trash Trump” in the corner.

To be fair, others find it kind of horrifying too, calling it a “daddy/nutcracker hybrid Christmas statue.”

While there really is a lot happening in this picture—the daddy nutcracker, a standard-issue Direct TV remote, and his messy desk—Donald Trump Jr. is challenging the way reading is done, gripping his own book by the edges of its corners, the title unobscured.

As @bleakfacts notes, “just chilling holding a book like a normal person.”

While his uncomfortable posture and book-holding technique are of immense importance to critics, a greater question plagues the thread: Why would he need to be reading his own book?

A simple answer?

“Obviously his ghostwriter wouldn’t share any drafts until after it was published,” @koobrick said.

“He wants to know how the book ends,” proposed another.

But he may not be looking at a book at all—just the jacket.

“Is he just holding the jacket because that looks off,” @ms_intexas said.

The stark lack of books on Trump’s shelves speaks volumes as well.


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