Joe Biden wins Texas

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Biden wins Texas in Super Tuesday’s biggest surprise result

The former VP emerges from Super Tuesday as a clear front-runner.


Andrew Wyrich


Former Vice President Joe Biden is projected to win the Texas primary, which would give him a win in the second-most delegate-rich state in the Super Tuesday contests.

The projected win for Biden comes on the heels of a commanding win in the South Carolina primary and a big night on Super Tuesday for the former vice president. The Associated Press called the race in favor of Biden at 12:57am CT.

Biden also won Alabama, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Virginia on Tuesday night.

Biden winning Texas was a possibility but didn’t seem likely as late as Monday.

Real Clear Politics, which tracks several polls to get an average, had Biden trailing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) 30.3 percent support to 24.3 percent support, however it did see him rising in recent days. He received late endorsements from Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Pete Buttigieg, and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-El Paso).

With the win in Texas, Biden continued to accumulate delegates and has become a clear front-runner along with Sanders as the two continue to see who will take on President Donald Trump later this year.

California, which also voted on Tuesday, is likely a win for Sanders as of Wednesday morning.

Next week six other states will vote for their preferred 2020 Democrat. The state with the most delegates at stake is Michigan.


The Daily Dot