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People are posting photos of dogs protesting for Black Lives Matter

They have the best signs.


Rachel Kiley

Internet Culture

Footage coming out of the current protests across the United States has been harrowing.

Police across the country are being criticized for not properly de-escalating violent situations and, in many cases, inciting violence and panic. It’s important to watch, to keep tabs on the movement for justice and accountability that hasn’t stopped just because the police officers who stood by as George Floyd died have finally been arrested.

But we’re all only human, and there’s no harm in taking a break from keeping eyes on the news, on first-hand accounts via social media, and on our own streets to look at something that reminds us of some of the good things in the world.

Fortunately, the protests are delivering on that front, as well.

Twitter user @jasminericegirl has done the lord’s work and compiled a whole bunch of photos of dogs joining their humans in the fight against injustice.

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There are so many good doggos marching with so many good humans. And they understand what too many people in America are still struggling with: Black Lives Matter.

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It was only a week ago that President Donald Trump retroactively threatened protesters outside the White House with “vicious dogs.”

“[The Secret Service] let the ‘protestors’ scream & rant as much as they wanted, but whenever someone got too frisky or out of line, they would quickly come down on them, hard – didn’t know what hit them,” he tweeted. “Big crowd, professionally organized, but nobody came close to breaching the fence. If they had they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen.”

These justice-seeking pups, however, would never.

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The thread was a huge success in raising people’s spirits.

“This thread restored some serotonin,” one user wrote, with another calling it a “timeline cleanse.”

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The thread also encouraged others to share more photos of man’s best friend being on the right side of history.

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Several concerned folks did point out that it’s probably not the best idea to bring dogs to protests happening in the United States, considering the violent tactics police are being seen using.

“Crowds can be overwhelming and it isn’t fair to put them at risk of being teargassed or shot with rubber bullets,” wrote @mackenzieprobz.

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Fortunately, at least some of the photos are coming from outside the United States, taken in countries where the police force allows protesters to march peacefully rather than tear-gas them for demanding more equality and less racism.

LISTEN UP: How WeRateDogs conquered the internet

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In episode 134 of 2 GIRLS 1 PODCAST, Alli and Jen speak with the dogfather Matt Nelson about the inspiration for the account, how its explosive popularity changed his life, the serious inflation problem in the Dog Rating Economy, that time J.K. Rowling and Lin-Manuel Miranda followed him, why everything’s political on Twitter, and his perfect response when Arnold Schwarzenegger asked him to rate his donkeys.

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